A Show With Horror and Hijinks
Sept. 8, 2023

The lost and the Danned - Part 3

The lost and the Danned - Part 3

in this thrilling episode our loyal imperial citizens delve elbow deep into the black heart of vile heresy. Will they come out unscathed or will heresy get all up in their fingernails? The answer awaits you in this episode of Imperial Maledictum!

Content Warning: Trampling

Our Guest for this arc Was Kevin Hendrix, who you can find running Blades in the Dark on the Knives at Night Podcast or doing improv at the Nest Theatre



Catch us on our discord, or on social media, if you DARE

Daniel's Dread Tales - ⁠@dansdreadtales⁠, https://discord.gg/FzRRAyDbt6

Daniel - ⁠@LOTR_Dan⁠

Damien - ⁠@magickalhack⁠ and ⁠twitch.tv/magickalhack⁠