
Daniel's Dread Tales includes a main cast of five people hailing from 2 continents, 3 countries and 3-4 timezones, it's a joy to schedule records let me tell you (I actually love logistics so when it comes together it really is a joy). Here, for your perusal is a snippet each of them has written about themself.


Daniel Fernandez’s (he/him) first TTRPG was a bizarre wargame/RPG hybrid based on The War of The Lance, in which he seemingly tried to create Dungeons and Dragons from first principles. It did not go well. He later went on to play enough Dungeons and Dragons to last him for the rest of his life in addition to plenty of other games. With a special love for Gumshoe and Unknown Armies, he served as GM for the Wrath & Story podcast for a few years (appearing in several episodes of Friday Night Quests as well) before starting Daniel’s Dread Tales, where he serves as the titular Daniel and its most prolific GM. He is a resident and lover of the city of Los Angeles, which might explain why so many episodes of the show are set there.


Russell McCracken (they/them) was introduced to RPGs with D&D 3.5e while attending university in Northern British Columbia, Canada. Unlike many campaigns over the intervening years, this one actually reached a conclusion! This spawned a love of "pretending" to be a complete lunatic that has endured to this very day, thousands of years later. Russell has one spouse, one childling and does the vast majority of the editing and sound design for the podcast in addition to production duties, looking after the aforementioned fambly, and working a day job with weird hours. How do they do it? Mind boggling insanity of course!


René McCracken (she/they) discovered RPGs from the gravity falls episode entitled "Dungeons, Dungeons and more Dungeons!" She visited instant theatre in Vancouver, British Columbia for one of their d&d nights, where she met Russell. And the rest, as they say, is a nightmarish blur of blood and screaming. While not plotting to replace Russell with an exorbitant number of cats, René enjoys watching horror movies while doing grandma hobbies. She has two masters' degrees, speaks fluently in at least two languages and in general is way out of Russell's league both mentally and on the attractiveness end of things. Suck it, losers! 


Nathan Friedman (he/him) was introduced to TTRPGs in fifth grade, when DnD 4e was still new. This fact makes other people feel old and he revels in it. Since then, he's been an avid enjoyer of the tabletop experience, even if he doesn't always have friends to play it with, finding his way to the podcast world through Forgotten Eras, a Kingdom Hearts TTRPG Actual Play podcast (currently on indefinite hiatus). This led him to meet Daniel through a mutual friend, and finally join this podcast where he continues to fumble his way to success. He has a deep abiding love of Kaiju themed media, and in this essay, will discuss why a Godzilla vs Ultraman movie would not only make infinite money, but also be a thematic masterpiece of [essay cancelled due to length]
Damien (He/They) was introduced to TTRPGs in the 90s starting with Palladium RPG, and has since branched out to learn, run, and play a staggering number of systems/games such as Rifts, D&D 3.5 and 5e [4e is for chumps], Minds Eye Theatre, and a few of the White Wolf D10 games, to name a few. These days they can be found painting miniatures, playing videogames, or running a weekly TTRPG over on