This week we're taking a break from our usual formula of one-shot horror games with a one-shot horror game, WITH fellow Imaginary Broadcast Network members! Daniel and Damien play "Oops, All Draculas" with Matt, Shannon and Chell from The Crow's Codex, Resting Glitch Face and Dice Fiends; respectively. Welcome to the future, hold onto your butts!
Content Warning: Ill-advised romance
hoo boy you want shoutouts and plugs you came to the right place this week lemme tell ya:
Matt - @kintarotpc
Crow's Codex - - @thecrowdex
Chell - @TheSpaceHamster
Dice Fiends -
Shannon - @LetsShannonigan
Resting Glitch Face - @RestingGlitch
Catch us on our discord! Or on social media, unless you're just, like, so over social media.
Daniel's Dread Tales has a twitter @dansdreadtales and a discord
Daniel is @LOTR_Dan on "X"
Damien can be found as @magickalhack or at