SupergeekMike's Giant Enemy Crab joins Netflix Mecha-Godzilla, Depressed Cthulhu and the Kool-Aid Worm this week as we stomp, mope and chomp through the Final War Monster Force Terra will ever see. This brings our total participant count to 5, which is a great number!
Our Guest for this arc Was SupergeekMike, who you can find everywhere; but particularly on youtube, at SupergeekMike!
Content Warning: None, go nuts!
Catch us on our discord, or on social media, if you DARE
Daniel's Dread Tales has a twitter @dansdreadtales and a discord
Daniel is @LOTR_Dan on "X"
Damien can be found as @magickalhack or at
Nathan as another podcast called "Forgotten Eras" available on spotify
Russell can be found